North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Conference
Syllabus Model A+
An overview of updates and resources
provided for schools – discussion paper.
19 September 2023
Purpose of this paper
To provide an overview of updates and resources provided for schools in respect of Syllabus Model A+.
2.0 Key Information
The updates and resources are also built into the launch event. We are anticipating the syllabus to be a digital resource.
Updates from Model A that will be built into the new syllabus:
· Updated EYFS outcomes, in line with 2020 EYFS Profile
· Guidance on curriculum design
· Guidance on idea of worldviews (in line with CoRE - institutional/personal)
Additional questions:
· L2.5a How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate key festivals? (multidisciplinary approach)
· L2.10 How do family life and festivals show what matters to Jewish people?
· U2.9 What can be done to reduce racism? Can religion help?
· U2.10 Green religion? How and why should religious communities do more to care for the Earth?
Three systematic units for KS3:
· 3.13 The Buddha: how and why do his experiences and teachings have meaning for people today?
· 3.14: What is it like to be a Muslim teenager in the UK today?
· 3.15 How are Sikh teachings on equality and service put into practice today?
· Expanded SEND guidance
· Revised and rewritten guidance on assessment
· Local demographic information
Appendices on:
· cultural capital
· creating a coherent curriculum
· types of knowledge (in line with Ofsted Subject Review - substantive knowledge, ways of knowing, personal knowledge)
· introduction to knowledge organisers
· keywords and core concepts
· descriptions of achievement for pupils with SEND working below national curriculum outcomes
· planning RE in special school settings
Online support including:
· Knowledge organisers
· Sample long-term plans
· Guidance on religious and non-religious worldviews (religions guide, do’s and don’ts etc)
Additional unit plans requested by NYC SACRE (additional cost of £3000)
Decision to be taken by the Agreed Syllabus Conference on this.
· Systematic unit if study for Hinduism at KS1
· Additional unit on Hinduism KS2
· Non-religious worldviews unit KS1
· Non-religious worldviews unit KS2
Introductory pages of the Syllabus
We need to consider what additional information we wish to include (deadline 25th March 2024):
Introductory pages
This could include:
Ø Foreword by the Chair of NYC SACRE and LA representation
Ø Information about SACRE and its Members
Ø Quotes from SACRE Members on the importance of RE
We can produce materials as a SACRE in addition to what the syllabus provides. Some examples include:
Ø Updated Visits and visitors guidance and information
Ø Update to one minute guide to RE
Ø Further details on the census information
Ø An outline of resources for a range of religions and worldviews (building on information shared in RE networks over the last year?)
Friday 14th June 2004 has been secured for a launch event for the Syllabus. School Improvement are currently finalising a venue, likely to be in Harrogate, that can accommodate 150+ teachers for the event.
We would encourage SACRE Members to put the date in their diary and attend for all or part of the day if possible.
Brief Outline of the day:
(From 11.45 a.m./12 noon Primary and secondary split into groups)
9.15 a.m. - 10.45 a.m.
Session 1: The RE Syllabus renewed, introduced and explored: creative and ambitious RE for all.
11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.
Session 2: Teaching and learning to enable progress: planning the curriculum for good learning for all. Practical examples
1.45 p.m. -3.15 p.m.
Session 3: Progress in RE for every pupil: rich knowledge, growing vocabulary and clear sequences of learning. Using the assessment arrangements and resources.
Is there anything else Members would like to consider in terms of features of the day?
Olivia Seymour
Professional Adviser to North Yorkshire SACRE
County Hall, Northallerton
Report Author: Olivia Seymour